4* Money Maker
(NCAAB) Sooners (OKLA) vs. Bulldogs (UGA),
Point Spread: -5.50 | -114.00 Bulldogs (UGA) (Home)
Result: Win
Taking GEORGIA. Look. We are having a great College Hoops season so far. 172 wins. Opening night, we bet and loaded up 17. Went 12-5. That has been the most games on a game day all season. But Saturday's can be tricky. There are at least a dozen games that I have circled here on a Friday night. I'm trying to get that down to the best ones. This one here jumps off the paper. I mean, Georgia. Laying this to a 'ranked' team. You know I love fading those crazy numbers anyway. But this isn't your typical 2 points or the road ranked laying a short number. This is a legit, the Georgia Bulldogs beat the Sooners by 10 tonight line. Oklahoma in off 2 straight losses. Georgia with the big win over Kentucky. You would instantly think 'inflated' line off that win. But my number on this was a 5. We will lay it here. 4* Money Maker GEORIGA BULLDOGS