Twins/Indians: when the fear kicks in!
(MLB) Minnesota vs. Cleveland,
Money Line: -125.00 Cleveland (Home)
Result: Loss
Twins (Ryan, (0-1, 5.40) vs Indians (McKenzie, 4-5, 4.62)

The Indians were shut out by the Twins on Tuesday. Neither of these two teams, barring the unexpected, will be in the postseason this year, but it is a good time to run out the rookies. Wednesday’s game is a case in point. Joe Ryan tosses only his second start in the MLB. Start #2 is commonly when the adrenalinedrops and the fear kicks in. Ryan was OK in his first start, but I am not counting on his second.

Compared to Ryan, Tristan McKenzie is a seasoned veteran. He struggled in the early season, but has definitely found his groove in August and September. In his last three starts, he has only allowed 2 runs over 21 innings.

The Indians bullpen is usually dependable but has not been up to snuff of late with a 4.91 ERA/7. McKenzie pitches for length as well as ERA, so this shouldn’t be such an issue. The Twins’ pen, usually unreliable, has turned the tables and is lights out at 1.37 collective ERA/7. Don’t count on this continuing, either. The Twins have faced and struggled against McKenzie. They also struggle on the road, and are poor as an underdog. For a once highly touted offense, the Twins have been very low scoring lately. The Indians have never faced Ryan. They are a decent home team, better than average vs. right-handers, but much better as a favorite.

I like McKenzie and the Indians on Wednesday. I am betting Ryan gets something of the sophomore blues, and McKenzie continues his winning ways. Take Cleveland to win outright.