(NCAAB) Bulls (BUFF) vs. Huskies (NIU),
Money Line: -122.00 Huskies (NIU) (Home)
Result: Loss
At 7:00pm Et, my MAC Game Of the Year is on Northern Illinois. This may not be the most exciting game, as these are two of the weaker teams in the conference. Both are really struggling. Homecourt is a big deal to each of these teams. Both are 5-6 at home. Both are terrible on the road. Buffalo is 2-10 on the road and NIU is 0-12. Homecourt is going to provide the Huskies with the edge they need tonight. The Huskies are more talented than their record. Entering the season, their coach felt they could be a top 4 team in the conference. If the Huskies are going to win another game this season, this is their best opportunity to do so. They know that and are going to be giving it everything they've got. A victory tonight and things can get going in the right direction again. They nearly won last game and they will break through and get back to .500 at home with a badly needed victory this evening. Lay the points.