(MLB) Arizona vs. Chi White Sox,
Money Line: -135.00 Arizona (Away)
Result: Win
T.M. Selection: Arizona Diamondbacks - Moneyline

Proj Starters - Zach Davies (2-5, 6.81 ERA) vs. Jose Urena (0-6, 7.27 ERA)

I like the Arizona Diamondbacks to win this game against the Chicago White Sox on Tuesday, September 26th. Arizona has struggled a little bit over the past few games. However, they still hold the 5th wildcard spot. Looking at the standings, they very much need to string some wins together to finish the season. The Cubs are tied with them and the rest of the teams in the hunt are right on their heels. Neither of these pitchers have been good but I expect the DBacks offense to be better than the White Sox here. Give me ARI in the first game of this series.

T.M. Prediction: 8-2 DBacks.

Line: -135

Line Parameter: play until -179..